Monday, October 8, 2012

Synopsis Idea 3

Happiness (Title to be confirmed) is a 5 minute short film which follows the life of Lauren as she grows from a toddler into a adult. The film highlights the different choices she has in life, and what he consequences are of her actions, whether they they be good or bad. The film begins with a close up of Laurens bright blue, smiling eyes, followed by some home videos of Lauren as a baby, gradually growing older. As the titles role, a voice over reads, "When I grow up, I want to be... erm..." The film the follows Lauren through her primary school life, making friends, being close to her mum. The film then takes on a darker mood when Lauren starts secondary school as she makes friends with the wrong crowd. 

Each time Lauren makes a wrong decision, for example being in a relationship with a boy who has a bad influence on her,  a voice over is heard of her younger self saying "When I grow up I want to marry a prince" and so on. Eventually Lauren ends up in a dark place, thinking about her past, realising she doesn't one to be this person anymore. The films ends with a close up of Laurens bloodshot blue eyes, with a tear rolling down them.

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