Thursday, October 4, 2012

Audience and Purpose

As a group, we decided that our target audience was going to 15-18 year olds, as we are of that age, we will be able to use our own movie preferences when deciding a theme and genre and ensure that teens will enjoy it. Another advantage of choosing a target audience of the same age as yourself is that it will not be hard to find some volunteers to help us conduct some primary empirical research. However, as our synopsis ideas evolved and developed, so did our purpose, and therefore our reason behind choosing 15-18 year olds as our target audience.

Our original purpose was going to be purely entertainment, and we were going to go about this by creating a short horror film. However, we then decided on a more realistic and educational film, which then changed the  purpose of our film to be about raising awareness of drugs and alcohol, and how you should always think things through in order to make the right choices in life.

Even though our purpose had changed, we felt the age range for our target audience still fitted in well with the themes of our idea. Between the ages of 15-18, you forget about the innocent child you used to be and are easily peer pressured into taking drugs and drinking alcohol at a young age. The type of short film we want to make will be suitable to show to show school students, aged 15-18, in order to show them how their life will end up if they take up drugs and alcohol abuse. Directing it at 15-18 years old is also important as it is that this age you are making the choices whether to stay in higher education like sixth form or college, or go to university. We hope our short film will be enlightening for them and guide them to make the right decision. 

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