Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shooting Schedule

Session 1

Date: 29/10/12

Time: 1pm-4pm

Location: Lammas Park

Shots: 4-8; 9-11; 12

Actors: Greta, Johnny, 3 extras

Crew: Eva (camera and directing), Migle (camera and directing), Calum (props)

Costumes and Props: change of costume for Greta to show ageing, young childish costume for all actors, hats and scarfs

Equipment: SD camera, SD card, tripod

Potential Issues: 
-Lighting: sunlight will start to dim the more it gets into the afternoon showing inconsistency
-Weather: if it is bad weather such as rain it could damage equipment and distort the image
-Public: due to many of the shots filmed in this session being in a public park there could be legal issues to not get the public in the footage as they may complain that legally they should not be filmed

Risk Assessment: 
-Low: the playground in which the majority of the shots are filmed in have been specifically built with safety precautions since children play in them therefore the risk of something occurring is low. 

Session 2

Date: 29/10/12

Time: 7pm-9pm

Location: Eva's house 

Shots: 22-26; 27-29; 30-32

Actors: Migle, Liam, girl extra

Crew: Eva (camera and directing), Migle (directing), Calum (props and camera)

Costumes and Props: cigarettes, alcohol bottle with contents that looks like alcohol, fake smoke

Equipment: SD camera, SD card, tripod, lighting

Potential Issues: 
-Lighting: due to these scenes being night time scenes the lighting may be too bad to get clear footage therefore street lights and makeshift lighting may have to be used
-Weather: if it is bad weather such as rain it could damage equipment and distort the image. Due to these scenes being in the night time there may be a chance of fog or mist which could distort image

Risk Assessment: 
-Medium: night time scenes always have a safety risk as more dangers arise such as youths in the public  not liking filming to be happening or seeing expensive equipment used, also cars may not be able to see us properly therefore there is a chance of injury through that. We will have to make sure to use lighting to be seen and not harass the public. 

Session 3

Date: 1/11/12

Time: 1pm-3pm

Location: Eva's house

Shots: 13-17; 18-21

Actors: Migle, Eva

Crew: Calum(camera), Migle (directing), Eva (directing and camera)

Costumes and Props: alarm clock, robe, change in costume for Migle

Equipment: SD camera, SD card, tripod

Potential Issues: 
-Lighting: one scene is meant to be in the daytime whilst one is meant to be in the night time therefore for the night time scene lighting must be changed somehow to make it look like it is night time rather than daytime which is when it is actually filmed

Risk Assessment: 
-Low: it is in a house therefore the risk of injury or something happening is low along as precautions are taken with filming

Session 4

Date: 3/11/12

Time: 5pm-8pm 

Location: Migle's house

Shots: 33-38

Actors: Migle, all party extras

Crew: Eva (camera and directing), Migle ( directing), Calum (props and camera)

Costumes and Props: cigarettes, alcohol bottles with non alcoholic content, shot glasses, fake smoke, 

Equipment: SD camera, SD card, tripod, lighting

Potential Issues: 
-Lighting: to create the party scenes there has to be flashing lights however this may distort image
-Public: the neighbours on the street may get disturbed due to noise

Risk Assessment: 
-Low: these scenes will be done inside the house therefore there is a low chance of risk. 


Session 5

Date: 13/11/12

Time: 5pm-8pm

Location: Eva's house

Shots: 39-41; 42-43

Actors: Migle

Crew: Eva (camera and directing), Migle (directing), Calum (props and camera)

Costumes and Props: fake needle, photographs

Equipment: SD camera, SD card, tripod

Potential Issues: 
there are no potential issues with this session

Risk Assessment: 
-Low: due to these scenes filmed in a house the risk is low

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