Thursday, October 11, 2012


Young Greta: Greta

We chose Greta as she is the little sister of a member of our group and therefore will be reliable when turning up to filming sessions. Even though she is 12, she is small for her age so can get away with playing an 8 year old, but at the same time, with help of thought out outfits and tasteful makeup she can   be made to look older. 

Older Greta: Migle

Migle is perfect for the roll of older Lauren as not only is she a member of our group so will always turn up to filming sessions, but she is willing to play the part and is a good actress. Again, it will be easy to show the changes of her age throughout the film by her costume and makeup. 

Mum: Eva

As Eva is aslo a member of our group and will therefore turn up to all required filming sessions.

Boyfriend: Liam

Liam is a confident actor and easy to rely on to turn up to filming sessions. 

Young friends: Emily, Lucy, Kirsten, Johnny

These are real friends of 'Young Greta' so will be easy to rely on and will look the right age.

Older friends: nameless extras

These are real friends of members of our group so will be easy to rely on and will look the right age.

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