Thursday, October 4, 2012

Synopsis Idea 1



A young teen called Amber is set to leave her best friends house at 11:10pm on a cold, dark, Friday night. As she leaves, and begins her walk home down the 3 streets to her house, she feels someone is following her. She decides to make a run for it, but as she hears a dark voice say her name, she trips over. She gets back up and continues running. As she reaches into her pocket to get her phone to call her mum, she realises its not there. She is positive it is some sort of personal attack that has been planned. However, she makes it to her front door, fumbles with the keys, and steps into her house. When she feels safe, she leans back again her front door and tries to calm down her breathing. Suddenly, there is a loud knock on her front door which makes her scream. Her mum comes rushing down the stairs, and Amber begs her mum not open the door. However, from outside a small voice is heard saying "it's only me!". Amber recognises the voice and opens the front door to find her best friend standing there, out of breath with Ambers phone in her hand. It had in fact been Ambers friend, trying to catch up with her as she had left her mobile at her house.

If this synopsis was made into a short film, it would be for entertainment purposes and the target audience would be 15-18 year olds. The synopsis is thrilling and should grab the audiences attention. However, it is a very cliche idea and after a group discussion, we decided against it and agreed we could thing up some more original ideas for our short movie.

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