Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Location Research

When it comes to planning our short film we had to try and consider various locations to be used for difference scenes. Each location had to be visited, checked if they were available for when we needed them, if they were suitable, and which had the easiest access. We do not have the funds to have paid for locations meaning that we had to be creative and geographically aware of local locations which were free for public use as when it comes to using cameras there are legal links with the public possibly not wanting to be in any footage without consent.

Possible Locations:

Migle's home:
This location would be used for again one of the "house party"scene where the main character is seen to overload on alcohol and become as they say "wasted". The fact that it is in a home portrays Britishness as mentioned before youths in Britain do not have the funds or the legal age usually to go to private clubs etc. therefore resort to using their friend's homes. It portrays delinquency also as stereotypically it is common for youths to have parties when their parents are not around. The main room can be used as it large enough to fit a large number of people inside it however can make it look like they are tight together. The garden may be used for any smoking scenes to portray the youths being tempted into the drugs route. Also, since it is one of the cast member's residence it means there will not be a price to use the location and it will be available. However, if this location is used neighbours will have to be warned about any noise disruptions as to not have legal issues.

Eva's home:
Eva's house will mainly be used for the bedroom scenes, where Greta will be shown sleeping, fighting with her mum, and in the final scene, dying. This room is suitable to use as it is a typical young childs/teenagers room filled with posters of her favourite movies. The room will be available to film in whenever we need it as it belongs to a member of our groups who has no objections to this. Another part of Eva's house that will be used is the ground floor window for the sneaking out scenes. Although this window is in fact on the bottom floor of the house, we are going to film from a low angle, making it look higher than it actually is. This is ensures safety when filming. The film is again situated in Eva's house which means there will be no travelling between bedroom scenes and sneaking out scenes. It will also be available to film whenever we need.

Elthorne Park:
This is a large, forested park that is open to the public. If this location were to be used by us it would be used for one of the montage scenes where the main character is drinking and partying with her friends. It is a good location to use as it portrays Britishness since British youths do not have the money to go to paid for locations usually therefore tend to settle for parks. Also, if this location were to be used due to the large space there would be areas to film without disturbing the public who may not want to be in any footage. One problem that could arise however is that the park has certain times that it can be locked therefore if we want night time footage we would have to film it before the park closes. Also, if we have a large number of extra's to create a "party" atmosphere the noise may disturb passers by therefore if the location were to be used we would have to regulate noise with our actors.

Lammas Park: 
This is large, family friendly, public park, equipped with 2 playgrounds which will be perfect for our playground scene where we show the first transition of Greta growing up. If filmed on an early morning, this playground is usually empty and we will be free to film as we please. It also has all the facilities needed for our scene; swings, slide and see saw.

Gunnersbury park: 

Another possible location is Gunnerbusry park. This is a good option for us to look at since it is freely open to the public. Though not as large as Elthorne park there is still enough space inside the park to find a more deserted area to use for filming some of the smoking/drug scenes to portray British youths. The main location problems we have come across when it comes to parks however is that most of our scenes that we need to film in park must be when it is dark: with that there are safety issues, issues with the times the park closes, and legal issues with the public. Gunnersbury park could also possibly be used for the beginning playground scene as it has a large playground. Gunnersbury park is situated in our local area and very near our school so we could film there promptly straight after school. 

The street we have chosen for the argument with the boyfriend scene is very near to Eva's house, this is at our advantage as it will save time travelling from location to location. The wall we have chosen is the back wall of some garages, this means that we should not be disturbing anyone as we are not that near any houses. On this road there are a number of streetlights which will be useful as we are wanting to film in the late evening. We shall film directly under and streetlight to capture the image, however if it is still too dark then will bring our own powerful torches.  

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