Happily Ever After?
scene 1
INT (in a house at day time)
A zooming out of a baby's blue eyes. It is a home video of the baby girl being innocent, happy and playing
scene 2
INT (in same house at day time)
A mum is holding up her 5 year old daughter as she laughs and again shows her innocence
Title Over Black
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
When I grow up i wanna be um...
scene 3
EXT (in a playground at day time)
Greta is at the playground with one friend as an 8 year old playing and having a fun happy time. She goes on a swing and as she swings up she is not seen
scene 4
EXT (in the playground at day time)
Greta is coming back down the swing as a 13 year old girl shown by change in costume/makeup. She leaves the park with more friends
scene 5
EXT (on a typical British road at day time)
Greta is walking home with her friends as one by one the friend disappear showing time going past
scene 6
INT (in Greta's bedroom at night)
Greta is still a 13 year old as she turns on her pillow ready to go to sleep
scene 7
INT (in Greta's bedroom at day time)
Greta is waking up as a 15 year old shown by a change in actress as well as costume/makeup. She turns on the pillow to look at her alarm clock and turns it off. Her mum is seen on the other side of her bedroom door screaming and knocking. Greta(2) is screaming back at her mother and violently throws her alarm clock at the door which then smashes into pieces on the floor. Greta(2) then covers her ears and shuts her eyes tightly still in her bed.
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
Oh yeah! When I grow up I wanna be just like my mummy cause I love her so much
scene 8
INT (in Greta's bedroom at night time)
Greta(2) is waking up as a 16 year old shown by change in costume/makeup. She looks at her new alarm cock to see the time which shows that it is late in the night. She gets out of bed and walks over to her bathroom.
scene 9
INT (in Greta's home at night time)
Greta(2) is walking out of the bathroom in party costume/makeup
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
I want to look just like a princess: wearing pretty gown
scene 10
INT (in Greta's home at night time)
Greta is sneaking out of her bedroom window to the outside
EXT (outside Greta's home at night time)
Greta(2) is seen to be meeting her boyfriend outside of her home. As they meet she takes his cigarette, inhales herself and hugs him
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
I want to fall in love with a prince
scene 11
INT (in Greta's home at evening time)
Greta(2) is sneaking out of her home through her bedroom window again
EXT (outside of Greta's home at evening time)
Greta sees her boyfriend talking to a female character. She confront him which starts an argument shown by hand gestures and screaming. The boyfriend is walking away from Greta(2) as she watches upset
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
Me and my prince will stay in love forever Just like mummy and daddy
scene 12
EXT (away from the home in front of a wall of a building at night time)
Greta is showing to be drinking up against a wall upset and crying. This is shown as a montage that time is passing and her alcohol intake is increasing through various shots and cuts to emphasise the amount she is drinking.
scene 13
INT & EXT (in various locations: in a house, in a park, on the road during day time, evening time, night time)
This is a montage of Greta(2) at parties with her friends getting drunk (shown through various shots to show that her alcohol intake is large), at parks smoking and being around male characters.
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
I want to have lots of best friends. We will stay by each other's side like snow white and her seven dwarfs
scene 14
INT (in Greta's bedroom at night time)
Greta(2) is now seen to be 18 years old through costume/makeup. She is sneaking back into her home through her window, walks over to her and drops on to it. The shots show that she is too restless to sleep as she keeps tossing and turning on her bed.
scene 15
INT (in Greta's bedroom at night time)
Greta(2) is seen with the same costume as the seen before as she was too restless to sleep. She is walking over to her bedside table, she is opening a drawer and looks into it pushing away childhood photos of her. She is picking a needle and is seen to be injecting herself with the contents.
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
When I grow up I want to be a doctor and save billions and trillions of lives
scene 16
INT (in Greta's bedroom at night time)
This is a continuation of the previous two scenes. Greta(2) walks up to a wall and slides down in defeat. The camera is slowly zooming into her as a montage of home videos is faded over the zooming in with the sound effect of a heart beat getting slower. The camera is zooming completely into Greta's(2) blue eyes revealing tears pouring out of them as the sound effect of the heart beat completely stops portraying she has died shown by no movements made by the character.
(voice over: childish innocent voice)
But mostly, When I grow up I want to live happily ever after