Thursday, November 8, 2012

Poster Idea 4

This is our 4th idea for our film poster, designed to show the contrast between the young child at the beginning of our film, to the depressed, drug addict at the end of our film. The film poster will portray a whole face, half being the younger girl and the other half being the elder. We have focused on the main character, who is female, as we are aiming with this particular poster to attract a more female audience. The main image reflects the plot of our film and the aging of children in British society.

When we create this film poster on professional software, we are going to make it look more like a poster for a thriller film. We will do this through dark backgrounds, scowling faces and gothic font. Even though are film has been designed to educate the audience and possibly be shown in schools or colleges, we decided to go for a more thriller themed poster as we believe this will attract a wider audience. 

This poster does not contain the names of our main actors as they are not well known and will have no effect on whether a person will want to see the film or not. To add to that, our short film is educational, and does not rely or need a A list cast. 

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