Thursday, November 8, 2012

Poster Idea 1

This was our first idea of our film poster, reflecting the educational side of our short film. It is designed to relay the message that drugs are never the answer. no matter what circumstance you are in. The image has not been taken from the film, it is a more bold, eye capturing image, that is very clearly designed to advise and educate.  The overall simplicity of the poster may not attract the wide range of audience that we had hoped, as it does not expose any information about the film itself, apart from that it is to do with drugs. After creating this rough poster, we asked ten 17/18 year old students would they potentially go and watch this film after seeing this poster on a side of a bus, or in a train station. It resulted in 8 out of the 10 students saying they would not want to see this film as the poster isn't very interesting, and it does not tell you anything about the film. The students also mentioned that the tagline, although got the message across, was not very snappy or inviting.

We soon realised this type of film poster was not going to attract the audience we wanted, and we would have the think up some more ideas.

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