Thursday, November 8, 2012

Poster Idea 2

The above image is a sketch of our second idea for the short film poster. This one is a still from the film itself; the last scene as this is the peak of the film therefore due to the fact that the posters we have chosen to be more thriller to grip the audience, this still seemed only fitting. Also, the darkness of it and sadness contrasts to the title which would intrigue the audience. We decided to aim the poster at females  which is why we decided to use the female character as the main image in this idea for a poster since females tend to relate to other females and would be more interested however another reason for using the female character is since she is the main one so it helps demonstrate the plot of the short film. The tag line above is in-correct as eventually we hope to use the tag line " we are our own poisoned apples" which links in well with the image used since the character is down, and looks almost destroyed. All this raises question for the audience: who is she? why is she alone? why is she a poisoned apple to herself? why does the title seem so happy and contradicting? all these would hook the audience and hopefully motivate them to watch the short film. The actor's names (technical code) are not displayed in this idea due to the fact it is a short film and the actor's are unknown therefore having them there would not make a difference to the audience. The lines underneath the "coming soon" represent the billing block where the actors will be mentioned in small as well as directors, writers, camera crew etc. 

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