Monday, November 5, 2012

Image Ideas for Poster

In order to create a unique and memorable film poster for our short film we must plan and think about the type of images we would like to use within the poster to portray the essence of the film as well as make it attractive. Due to our short film being quite a serious, educational film that should be impacting the audience, the film poster must do the same and show the contradiction between being an innocent young child to an older teenager in Britain.

Firstly, an idea would be to use a still from the film itself. The end of the film where the main character is slowly dying in front of her wall on the floor. This image would be effective as it contradicts the title of the film which will of course be on the poster as well. Also, this represents the film successfully since the film is about the change from innocence to the dark side which is shown through the title being fairly innocent and the image showing the opposite.

Another idea would be to do a face split in half representing the younger girl and the girl at an older age. A close up of both of their faces would be used to show emotion also and one half of the face would be the younger innocent girl, the other half the older darker girl. The close up would help as we can make sure to show the happiness in the younger girl's eyes and the tears and sadness in the girl as shes 18.

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