Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix is the 5th installment to the extremely famous Harry Potter series. The themes for this films is magic and adventure, both denoted by the wand in the central characters hand and the tagline. The moody feeling given off by the poster reflects what has happened in the previous films, and gives us a hint of what is yet to come.

Written codes are incorporated into this film poster through the words and context. The tagline reads, "The Rebellion Begins" and is a very clear indication that the film is going to be jam packed with excitement and adventure. The tagline motivates you to want to find out more and see how the rebellion is going to end. 

Symbolic codes are utilised in this film poster and features images off all the supporting actors, starting with the most essential characters to the plot nearest to the front, as well as the main star, Daniel Radcliffe. All characters in the image are looking very serious and tense, denoted by their hostile expressions and folding of the arms. The connotations of this is that the film is going to be dark and thrilling. You know he is the main character as he has been singled out and placed center stage, facing the camera full on. There is a dark, eery background to the main image, mirroring the themes of the film, maybe implying this film is going to be dark and scary. However, around the main characters head, there is a halo of light, again denoting he has the main role. This film uses a well known font, unique to the Harry Potter films for its title. Straight away you are drawn to the one-of-a-kind, magical graphics which compliment the theme of the film. The tagline is positioned at the top of the poster, the font is serif and the white stands out against the black background, also creating a dark and mysterious feeling to the film. 

The poster used technical codes to give out important information to the audience. The film title is the most important aspect of this poster. As the films are extremely famous and well known already, just by seeing the name "Harry Potter", the audience will know what the themes and genre of the film are, and probably due to already reading the books, knows what is going to happen. By having the title so big, the audience will be able to make the link between the books and films and want to see the film. There is a billing block at the bottom of the poster, giving out extra information, and generally just making the poster look like a film poster. The billing block will include a short list of the people involved in making the film and/or poster. The date of the release of the film stands out in the billing block, it is very important for advertisement purposes that the audience can know when they will be able to see the film. The tagline is incorporated into the poster as a type of slogan, to reinforce the film into the audiences mind.

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