Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Film Posters and symbolic codes (semiotics)

Semiotics have to do with symbolic codes and is the study of signs and symbols and the messages we read from them. Film posters are more planned out than most people may initially predict as semiotics are used in every single one of them to add more meaning and symbolism to them. Semiotics are used as audiences process much of their information purely from visual imagery contained in film posters therefore when my group and I create our own film poster, it will have to be well thought out and semiotics will have to be used to deepen the poster. Therefore, my group and I will have to put visual codes and semiotics into thought in order to make a film poster which has more depth to it and can be seen that all that is in them has a purpose which is extremely important: we must not choose a colour or an image purely because they "look nice" but we must have a purpose for them and show audiences more meaning in the film posters for example if our short film is to do with horror the colours we would choose would be dark and gritty as they have interpretations of fear and terror, or if we have a romance short film the colours chosen would be more delicate such as red as that is a stereotypical romance colour, and images would be of things such as romance stills from the film or roses, kisses etc.

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